Temple Shalom Men’s Club
The Temple Shalom Men’s Club is dedicated to providing Temple Shalom
The Temple Shalom Men’s Club is dedicated to providing Temple Shalom with the following:
The Men’s Club hosts breakfast meetings on the second Sunday morning of most months. These meetings always feature an affordable full buffet breakfast and a short business meeting, and in most cases a guest speaker on a subject of interest. Recent guest speakers have included:
These meetings are open to all members of the congregation and their guests.
The Men’s Club has hosted Game Days featuring poker, board games, Mah Jongg, and refreshments. Bingo sessions and “Monte Carlo Nights” have also been presented. Trips along Kentucky’s Bourbon Trail have been enjoyed. Each year a group of Men’s club members and their families attend a UofL Women’s basketball game together.
The Men’s Club is available and willing to provide support whenever it is needed within our congregation. Men’s Club has provided food for Purim events, Hanukah dinners (LATKES!) and carnival celebrations, “Shabbat Under the Stars” events, and Arts and Craft Fairs; has set up chairs and put out prayer books in support of Temple Shalom’s High Holy Day worship services; and has contributed gift-wrapping services in support of Hanukkah Helpers. Each new Temple Shalom member receives a welcoming letter and a bottle of kosher wine from the Men’s Club. Men’s Club has also co-sponsored events with W.O.T.S.
Men’s Club members have made several trips to the Bellewood campus in Anchorage, KY, to spend time with some of the at-risk teenage boys there. During these visits, meals are provided for the boys and their counselors, games and other activities take place, and some time is spent just “hanging out” and talking with the boys to make sure they know that someone cares about them. We plan to continue these visits in the future because the boys seem to welcome the friendship and attention they create. Men’s Club has made contributions to the Temple Shalom General Fund and provided sponsorships for important community events.
Current Men’s Club officers are:
We encourage the men of all Temple Shalom families to join Men’s Club. Help us fulfill our mission and enjoy the company and fellowship our members can provide. Yearly dues are $20.00, but new Temple Shalom members receive their first year of Men’s Club membership for free. Please contact Mark Epstein at (502) 458-1345 or mjra2628@uno.com to join.